Use your own branded link to access downloads
Filemonk now lets you replace generic download links ("") with ones that match your store's domain, making the download process smoother and more branded for your customers. It means your customers access their digital purchases through a link that feels like an integral part of your store, enhancing trust and brand recognition. This feature is available on the Plus plan and above.Some readersLimit the number of downloads per order
To protect your content from unauthorized sharing and limit access to files, you can set up two types of download limits on Filemonk. Click 'Settings' in the left menu bar, scroll down to 'Download page' and click 'Customize Download page'. Next, click 'Download limits' on this page to access the limit settings. ( readersCustomize download page
After customers place an order for their digital products, they will receive a link to download their files. This link takes them to the Order Download page. Here's what the page looks like - To customize this page, click 'Settings' in the left menu bar, scroll down to 'Download page' and click 'Customize Download page' Next,Few readersLet customers download files from Customer Account page
Filemonk now brings a new way to enhance your Shopify store’s customer accounts. With support for Shopify’s Customer Accounts Extensions, you can add buttons that let customers easily download and access files, creating a smoother and more personalized experience. Why use Customer Account Extensions Customers are forced to sign in to their accounts to download any files giving your customers a more personalized experience. Since customers are forced to log in, your digital files are sFew readersRequire customers to login to access downloads
To ensure more security when customers download files from a page on your store, we have a feature to protect files behind customer login the customer has to be logged in with their email account on the Shopify store to be able to access the files. Once you've setFew readers