Disable access for high risk orders
Filemonk enhances your store's security by providing a feature to revoke access for orders identified as high risk by Shopify. Once access is revoked, customers will no longer be able to download the associated files, safeguarding your digital products from fraudulent transactions.
Navigate to 'Settings' in the Filemonk app via the left menu bar.
In the 'Fraud Protection' section, find and click Turn On for fraud protection.

Activating this feature allows Filemonk to automatically assess the fraud risk level of orders based on Shopify's risk analysis. Should an order be flagged as high risk, Filemonk will instantly disable download access for that order, ensuring that your content remains protected against potential fraud.
Please Note: The assessment of an order's fraud risk is conducted by Shopify, utilizing their comprehensive fraud analysis tools. Filemonk relies on this data to implement access restrictions, seamlessly integrating with your Shopify store's fraud management processes.
In the 'Orders' tab from left menu bar of the app, you'll find a note saying "Fraud Detected" in the notes column for orders identified as potentially fraudulent.

When you click on a particular order, you'll see a notice that access is disabled near the order number. More information about when and why access was stopped is shown on the right, giving you clear insights into the fraud prevention steps taken.

Customers will see the page shown below when they try to access the link to download page for orders marked as high risk fraud.

How to enable
Navigate to 'Settings' in the Filemonk app via the left menu bar.
In the 'Fraud Protection' section, find and click Turn On for fraud protection.

Activating this feature allows Filemonk to automatically assess the fraud risk level of orders based on Shopify's risk analysis. Should an order be flagged as high risk, Filemonk will instantly disable download access for that order, ensuring that your content remains protected against potential fraud.
Please Note: The assessment of an order's fraud risk is conducted by Shopify, utilizing their comprehensive fraud analysis tools. Filemonk relies on this data to implement access restrictions, seamlessly integrating with your Shopify store's fraud management processes.
Monitoring access status in Filemonk
In the 'Orders' tab from left menu bar of the app, you'll find a note saying "Fraud Detected" in the notes column for orders identified as potentially fraudulent.

When you click on a particular order, you'll see a notice that access is disabled near the order number. More information about when and why access was stopped is shown on the right, giving you clear insights into the fraud prevention steps taken.

Customers will see the page shown below when they try to access the link to download page for orders marked as high risk fraud.

Updated on: 28/02/2024
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